This DTM Emergency Tracking covers displacement movements from Hawija in Kirkuk governorate during Iraqi forces' offensives to retake the area between August 2016 and October 2017, in addition to displacement from Shirqat from September 2017 when the offensive was expanded to take in this Salah al-Din district. DTM has been tracking returnees from this crisis since September 2017.

As of  October 16, 2018, a total of 56,544 people remain displaced from the Hawija district of Kirkuk and the Shirqat district of Salah al-Din as a result of anti-ISIL military operations in these areas between August 2016 and October 2017.

A total of 122,520 returnees from this crisis have gone back since September 2017.

The Hawiga/Shirqat - Emergency Tracking will be updated on each Tuesday.

The Hawija & Shirqat Timeline chart showing IDPs series, Returnees series.
Tuesday, October 16, 2018
  • 56,544 IDPs (Individual)
  • 122,520 Returnees (Individual)

The IDP Families by Governorate of Displacement chart showing Series 1 series.
The Returnee Families by Governorate of Return chart showing Series 1 series.

The IDP Families by Governorate of  Origin chart showing  series.
The Returnee Families by Governorate of last displacement chart showing Series 1 series.
The Percentage of IDP Families by Shelter Category chart showing Series 1 series.
The Percentage of Returnee Families by Shelter Category chart showing Series 1 series.

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IDPs by Governorate and District of Displacement

This table shows where the population has been displaced to. Governorate of displacement and district of displacement indicate where they currently are.

Governorate of Displacement 
District of Displacement 
IDP Families 
IDP Individuals 
Al DiwaniyaDiwaniya2120.02 %
BaghdadAdhamia171020.18 %
BaghdadAl Resafa2120.02 %
BaghdadTarmia3180.03 %
ErbilMakhmur44426644.71 %
KirkukDaquq20431225821.68 %
NinewaAl-Hamdaniya1478821.56 %
NinewaMosul18301098019.42 %
Salah Al-DinAl-Daur663960.70 %
Salah Al-DinAl-Shirqat885280.93 %
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IDPs by Shelter Category

The table below reports the number of IDP families by shelter category and governorate of displacement.

Governorate E 
Screening Site 
Al Diwaniya02000
Salah Al-Din135979924483300

Increase from previous update

This table shows only locations where the IDP population is higher than the previous update. The difference in figures between this update and the previous one is also indicated.

Gov Of Displacement 
District Of Displacement 
Subdistrict Of Displacement 
Location Name 
Diff Num Families 
Gov Of Origin 
No data to display

Decrease from previous update

This table shows only locations where the IDP population is lower than the previous update. The difference in figures between this update and the previous one is also indicated.

Gov Of Displacement 
District Of Displacement 
Subdistrict Of Displacement 
Location Name 
Diff Num Families 
Gov Of Origin 
KirkukDaquqLaylanLaylan IDP35.327984415744.5283576215-34KirkukAl-Hawiga 
KirkukDaquqLaylanNazrawa camp35.2927244.57643-131KirkukAl-Hawiga 
KirkukDaquqTaza KhurmatuDaquq Camp35.2343544.38096-74KirkukAl-Hawiga 
KirkukDaquqLaylanLaylan 2 Camp35.3302244.52819-53KirkukAl-Hawiga 

Difference from previous update by district

This chart shows the difference between the current and previous update on a district level.

Governorate Of Displacement 
District Of Displacement 
Difference (Families) 
BaghdadAl Resafa0
Salah Al-DinAl-Daur0
Salah Al-DinAl-Shirqat0
Salah Al-DinBaiji0
Salah Al-DinBalad0
Al DiwaniyaDiwaniya0
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Returnees by Governorate and District of Return

This table shows where the population has been returned to. Governorate of return and district of return indicate where they currently are.

Governorate of Return 
District of Return 
Ret Families 
Ret Individuals 
KirkukAl-Hawiga1978511871096.89 %
KirkukDabes1247440.61 %
KirkukDaquq27516501.35 %
KirkukKirkuk23614161.16 %

Returnees by Shelter Category

The table below reports the number of returnee families by shelter category and governorate of displacement.

Governorate E 
Habitual Residence 
Screening Site 

Increase from previous update

This table shows only locations where the returnee population is higher than the previous update. The difference in figures between this update and the previous one is also indicated.

Gov of Return 
District Of Return 
Subdistrict Of Displacement 
Location Name 
Diff Num Families 
Gov Of last Disp 
District Of last Disp 
SubDistrict Of last Disp 
KirkukAl-HawigaAl-RiyadEthriban village35.105417443.592092633Salah Al-DinTikrit 
KirkukAl-HawigaAl-RiyadEthriban village35.105417443.59209263KirkukDaquq 
KirkukAl-HawigaAl-RiyadAl-Kyfah village35.211259943.8258792Salah Al-DinTikrit 
KirkukAl-HawigaAl-AbassyAl-Oyoun village 35.2783443.5503615NinewaMosul 
KirkukAl-HawigaAl-AbassyAl-Oyoun village 35.2783443.5503671KirkukKirkuk 
KirkukAl-HawigaAl-AbassyAl-Oyoun village 35.2783443.5503624KirkukDaquq 
KirkukAl-HawigaAl-AbassyAl-Oyoun village 35.2783443.5503640Salah Al-DinTikrit 

Decrease from previous update

This table shows only locations where the returnee population is lower than the previous update. The difference in figures between this update and the previous one is also indicated.

Gov Of Return 
District Of Return 
SubDistrict Of Return 
Location Name 
Diff Num Families 
Gov Of last Disp 
District Of last Disp 
SubDistrict Of last Disp 
KirkukAl-HawigaAl-RiyadEthriban village35.112143.5904-22KirkukKirkuk 
KirkukAl-HawigaAl-RiyadAl-Kyfah village35.213743.8224-1KirkukKirkuk 

Difference from previous update by district

This chart shows the difference between the current and previous update on a district level.

Gov Of Return 
District Of Return 
Diff Num Families 
No data to display

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The table below reports the most recent update. It is possible to download the file as an excel file by clicking on the green arrow. In order to see the dataset of any previous update, please select a date above and click on Get Data. A new dataset will appear and will be downloadable clicking on the green arrow.

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10/16/2018Salah Al-DinAl-ShirqatMarkaz Al-ShirqatHuriyah al jazerah-Al-Aboud35.568980843.227503965/21/2018KirkukAl-Hawiga 60   
10/16/2018Salah Al-DinAl-ShirqatMarkaz Al-ShirqatTal Al Jumiala area35.510917827543.233718037485/22/2018KirkukAl-Hawiga 71   
10/16/2018Salah Al-DinAl-ShirqatMarkaz Al-ShirqatAl-Horya Al-Qadema village35.590893443.239879684/16/2018KirkukAl-Hawiga 80   
10/16/2018Salah Al-DinAl-ShirqatMarkaz Al-ShirqatAl-Ayitha Village35.628292243.229134625/21/2018KirkukAl-Hawiga 20   
10/16/2018Salah Al-DinBaladAl-DuloeyahAlbu Jewari34.061096544.2114161501/30/2017KirkukAl-Hawiga  150   
10/16/2018Salah Al-DinBaladAl-DuloeyahAl-Duloeyah-Hay Al Jubor34.032564744.23100425010/21/2017KirkukAl-Hawiga 38212   
10/16/2018Salah Al-DinBaladAl-DuloeyahBeshakan village34.024532344.281735110010/21/2017KirkukAl-Hawiga 0100   
10/16/2018Salah Al-DinSamarraAl-MoatassemAl Sayoya-Mahala 134.078442444.0553278810/25/2017KirkukAl-Hawiga 8    
10/16/2018Salah Al-DinSamarraAl-Moatassem   203/27/2018KirkukAl-Hawiga 200   
10/16/2018Salah Al-DinSamarraMarkaz SamarraAl-Efraz area34.207183443.906110163/27/2018KirkukAl-Hawiga 60   
10/16/2018Salah Al-DinSamarraMarkaz SamarraHay Al Dhubbat-Mahalla 33434.195355543.896143153/27/2018KirkukAl-Hawiga 50   
10/16/2018Salah Al-DinSamarraMarkaz SamarraHay Al Muthanna-Mahalla 31234.193234075843.916804725363/27/2018KirkukAl-Hawiga 60   
10/16/2018Salah Al-DinSamarraMarkaz SamarraHay Al-Khathraa Mahala 32234.198412743.911128365/22/2018KirkukAl-Hawiga 36  0 
10/16/2018Salah Al-DinTikritAl-AlamMahalla Al Aed34.700157643.71325213402/19/2018KirkukAl-Hawiga 100240   
10/16/2018Salah Al-DinTikritAl-AlamTal-Al Sibaat Village34.81723943.58027293921/4/2018KirkukAl-Hawiga   392  
10/16/2018Salah Al-DinTikritAl-AlamTal-Al Sibaat Village34.81723943.58027299572/27/2018KirkukAl-Hawiga   957  
10/16/2018Salah Al-DinTikritAl-AlamHay Al Askari34.688780843.717183330012/7/2017KirkukAl-Hawiga 105195   
10/16/2018Salah Al-DinTikritAl-AlamHay Al baladiyah34.68755008943.717695239638011/5/2017KirkukAl-Hawiga 100280   
       9,424    9462,4485,7003300
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