One year after Iraqi forces began operations to retake Mosul from ISIL, 132,237 families (793,422 individuals) people remained displaced. IOM has been following displacement trends in Mosul since the offensive started on 17 October 2016 with the Emergency Tracking (ET) system, a crisis-based tool that aims to track sudden displacement or return movements triggered by specific crises.

To access the “Mosul Crisis: Population movements analysis” report, please click here.

The Displacement Timeline from 17 October chart showing IDPs series, Returnees series.

The sharp increase at 29 June was due to additional data gathered in collaboration with local authorities, not to a specific event causing a surge in displacement.

The IDP Families by Governorate of Displacement chart showing Series 1 series.
The Percentage of IDP Families by Shelter Category chart showing Series 1 series.
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The charts below are a summary of the latest published dataset. It is possible to download each table as an excel file by clicking on the green arrow. In order to see the summary tables of any previous update, please select a date above and click on Get Data. A new dataset will appear and will be downloadable clicking on the green arrow.

IDPs by Governorate and District of Displacement

This table shows where the population has been displaced to. Governorate of displacement and district of displacement indicate where they currently are.

Governorate of Displacement 
District of Displacement 
IDP Families 
IDP Individuals 
Al AnbarFalluja362160.03 %
Al AnbarRamadi442640.03 %
Al BasrahAbu Al-Khaseeb10600.01 %
Al BasrahAl-Zubair241440.02 %
Al BasrahBasrah362160.03 %
Al BasrahShatt Al-Arab8480.01 %
Al DiwaniyaDiwaniya3180.00 %
Al SulaymaniyahChamchamal2120.00 %
Al SulaymaniyahHalabja160.00 %
Al SulaymaniyahKalar6360.00 %
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IDPs by Shelter Category

The table below reports the number of IDP families by shelter category and governorate of displacement.

Governorare of Displacement 
Emergency Camps 
Emergency Sites 
Screening Sites 
Critical Shelter Arrangements 
Private Settings 
Unknow Shelter Arrangements 
Salah Al-Din00038161740
Al Anbar36004400
Al Basrah0000780
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Increase from previous update

This table shows only locations where the IDP population is higher than the previous update. The difference in figures between this update and the previous one is also indicated.

Governorate Of Displacement 
District Of Displacement 
Subdistrict Of Displacement 
Location Name 
Difference (IDP Families) 
Governorate of Origin 
Distrit of Origin 
Subdistrict of Origin 
NinewaAl-ShikhanMarkaz Al-ShikhanNargizlia1 Camp36.61877943.3054269NinewaMosulMarkaz Mosul
NinewaMosulAl-QayaraQayyarah-Jadah 435.769762088543.26048966319NinewaMosulMarkaz Mosul
NinewaMosulAl-QayaraQayyarah-Jad'ah 535.764981243.255021868NinewaMosulMarkaz Mosul
NinewaMosulAl-QayaraQayyarah-Jadah 635.754056203843.25378306573NinewaAl-Ba'ajMarkaz Al-Ba'aj
NinewaMosulAl-QayaraQayyarah-Jadah 435.769762088543.26048966325NinewaAl-Ba'ajMarkaz Al-Ba'aj

Decrease from previous update

This table shows only locations where the IDP population is lower than the previous update. The difference in figures between this update and the previous one is also indicated.

Governorate Of Displacement 
District Of Displacement 
Subdistrict Of Displacement 
Location Name 
Difference (IDP Families) 
Governorate of Origin 
Distrit of Origin 
Subdistrict of Origin 
NinewaAl-HamdaniyaMarkaz Al-HamdaniyaKhazer M136.303531943.5432609-524NinewaMosulMarkaz Mosul
NinewaAl-HamdaniyaMarkaz Al-HamdaniyaHasansham U336.323829143.5398114-135NinewaMosulBaashiqa
NinewaAl-HamdaniyaMarkaz Al-HamdaniyaKhazer M2 camp36.3350943.547687-295NinewaMosulMarkaz Mosul
NinewaMosulAl-QayaraQayyarah-Jadah 235.745587242243.2652295398-25NinewaMosulAl- Muhalabiya
NinewaMosulAl-QayaraQayyarah-Jadah 335.751444933743.2661412344-12NinewaHatraAltal
Salah Al-DinTikritMarkaz TikritHay Alziraa34.601113943.6666488-7NinewaMosulMarkaz Mosul
NinewaAl-ShikhanMarkaz Al-ShikhanNargizlia1 Camp36.61877943.305426-30NinewaTilkaifMarkaz Tilkaif
Salah Al-DinTikritMarkaz TikritHay Al Shuhdaa Mahala 20434.62179943.67411-39NinewaMosulMarkaz Mosul
NinewaAl-HamdaniyaMarkaz Al-Hamdaniyachamakor camp36.25012943.524339-165NinewaMosulMarkaz Mosul
NinewaAl-ShikhanMarkaz Al-ShikhanNargizlia2 Camp36.62340843.304554-5NinewaMosulMarkaz Mosul
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Difference from previous update by district

This chart shows the difference between the current and previous update on a district level.

Governorate Of Displacement 
District Of Displacement 
Difference (Families) 
Al BasrahAbu Al-Khaseeb0
BaghdadAbu Ghraib0
BaghdadAl Resafa0
Salah Al-DinAl-Daur0
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Full dataset

The table below reports the most recent update. It is possible to download the file as an excel file by clicking on the green arrow. In order to see the dataset of any previous update, please select a date above and click on Get Data. A new dataset will appear and will be downloadable clicking on the green arrow.

Drag a column header here to group by that column
Reporting Date Not filtered
Governorate Of Displacement Not filtered
District Of Displacement Not filtered
Subdistrict Of Displacement Not filtered
Location Name Not filtered
Latitude Not filtered
Longitude Not filtered
Number of IDP Families Not filtered
Update Date Not filtered
Governorate of Origin Not filtered
Distrit of Origin Not filtered
Subdistrict of Origin Not filtered
Private Settings Not filtered
Critical Shelter Arrangements Not filtered
Camps/Emergency Sites Not filtered
Unkown Shelter Arrangements Not filtered
Screening Sites Not filtered
10/18/2017NinewaMosulAl-ShuraSafiyah Vilalge36.05762643.27523158/8/2017NinewaAl-Ba'aj 15    
10/18/2017NinewaMosulHamam al AleelSananik36.154158343.094861878/8/2017NinewaHatra 7    
10/18/2017Al BasrahBasrahMarkaz Al-BasrahKarmat Ali30.573310447.743751817/30/2017NinewaMosul 1    
10/18/2017NinewaTilkaifMarkaz TilkaifGarmawa36.64694027443.2381587753829/23/2017NinewaMosul   82  
10/18/2017NinewaAl-HamdaniyaAl-NamroudSalamyiah Nimrud camp36.16037543.3471941008/31/2017NinewaMosul   100  
10/18/2017ErbilErbilAinKawaLebanon Village36.261744.011109/30/2017NinewaMosul 10    
10/18/2017Salah Al-DinTikritMarkaz Tikrit   202/2/2017Salah Al-DinBaiji    20 
10/18/2017NinewaTelafarMarkaz TelafarTal Al Jarabeea 36.1382642.3833814006/20/2017NinewaAl-Ba'ajMarkaz Al-Ba'aj 1400   
10/18/2017NinewaAl-HamdaniyaAl-NamroudAs Salamiyah 2 camp36.16008243.3282347589/17/2017NinewaAl-Ba'ajMarkaz Al-Ba'aj  4758  
10/18/2017NinewaMosulAl-QayaraQayyarah-Jadah 635.754056203843.253783065346810/17/2017NinewaAl-Ba'ajMarkaz Al-Ba'aj  3468  
10/18/2017NinewaAl-ShikhanMarkaz Al-ShikhanNargizlia1 Camp36.61877943.30542618/7/2017NinewaAl-Ba'ajMarkaz Al-Ba'aj  1  
10/18/2017NinewaMosulAl-QayaraQayyarah-Jadah 435.769762088543.2604896636010/17/2017NinewaAl-Ba'ajMarkaz Al-Ba'aj  60  
10/18/2017NinewaMosulHamam al AleelAl-Areej Village36.191469143243.207139964598/8/2017NinewaAl-Ba'ajMarkaz Al-Ba'aj9    
10/18/2017Salah Al-DinTikritMarkaz Tikrit   2011/9/2016NinewaAl-HamdaniyaAl-Namroud   20 
10/18/2017NinewaAl-HamdaniyaAl-NamroudAl-Adla Village36.02747621843.40668491805/17/2017NinewaAl-HamdaniyaAl-Namroud80    
10/18/2017NinewaAl-HamdaniyaAl-NamroudIbrahim Alkhalil Village36.035616149943.43481766861606/10/2017NinewaAl-HamdaniyaAl-Namroud1600   
10/18/2017NinewaAl-HamdaniyaAl-NamroudKubaiba village36.014463243.377214204/10/2017NinewaAl-HamdaniyaAl-Namroud20    
10/18/2017NinewaAl-HamdaniyaMarkaz Al-HamdaniyaKhazer M136.303531943.5432609262/18/2017NinewaAl-HamdaniyaAl-Namroud  26  
       132,237    10,8201,97752,44366,9907
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At the onset of a crisis, the ET is activated and monitored. It should be noted that ET updates are only shared if a remarkable movement is observed. While the IOM DTM strives to provide best estimates, we do acknowledge its limitations. IOM DTM will continue to work to further verify the displacement data within the two-week DTM reporting cycle. For further information about the DTM methodology and specifically the DTM Emergency Tracking, please visit IOM Iraq DTM portal.