Information currently published here refers to the cycle that started on March, 2016 and finished on early May 2016

The Returnee Assessement Coverage chart showing Identified Locations series, Assessed Locations series.

Export to Excel
Governorate E 
Identified Locations in Round 41 
Number of Locations Assessed 
% of Locations Assessed 
Number of Locations Inaccessible 
% of Locations Inaccessible 
Al Anbar236
Salah Al-Din9595
The Timeline of the Observed Return Movement chart showing Series 1 series.
The The Main Reason of Return chart showing Series 1 series.
The   Type of Return chart showing Series 1 series.
The SADD by Governorate of Return chart showing Females 0-5 series, Females 6-12 series, Females 13-17 series, Females 18-45 series, Females 46-59 series, Females 60+ series, Males 0-5 series, Males 6-12 series, Males 13-17 series, Males 18-45 series, Males 46-59 series, Males 60+ series.
The Age Distribution chart showing Series 1 series.
The Sex Distribution chart showing Series 1 series.

Data on age distribution is grouped in six age categories (0-5; 6-12; 13-17; 18-45; 46-59; 60 and above) from a sample of families in each location.

The Vulnerable Categories chart showing Females series, Males series.
The % of Vulnerable Group by Governorate of Return chart showing Series 1 series.
Estimated countrywide distribution of vulnerable group.
The Sectorial Needs By Governorate of Return chart showing Total families series, Water-Drinking series, Water-Cooking/Washing series, Food series, Shelter series, NFI series, Access to Income series, Education series, Health series, Legal Help series, Protection of Children series, Sanitation/Hygiene series, Psychosocial Support series, Rehabilitation services series, Security series.
The Sectorial Needs Countrywide chart showing Series 1 series.
The Problems by Governorate of Return chart showing No Problem series, Distance series, Price series, Quality series, Quantity series, Unequal Access series.
The Damage Level by Governorate of Return chart showing Mostly Not Damaged series, Mostly Damaged series, There never was one series.

Refer to Location Assessment here for more details about the problems associated each sector.

The Reasons for Not Being Able to Return to Habitual Residence chart showing Series 1 series.
The Able to Return to Habitual Residence chart showing Series 1 series.
The Most Affected Places by UXO chart showing Series 1 series.
The Feeling Safety by Governorate of Return chart showing Series 1 series.
The Most Common Security Incident by Governorate of Return chart showing Series 1 series.
The Information Returnees are not able to access by governorate of Return chart showing Info on Detained family members status series, Info on Family Reunification Mechanisms series, Info on Documentation and legal services series, Info on Food distributions series, Info on Health Care series, Info on Protection Services series, Info on NFI Distribution series, Info on Water and Sanitation series, Info on Security Situation series, Info Other series.
The Return Information Sources chart showing Series 1 series.
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Drag a column header here to group by that column
Credibility Not filtered
Interview Date Not filtered
Location ID Not filtered
Governorate E Not filtered
District E Not filtered
Sub District E Not filtered
Location E Not filtered
Location A Not filtered
Longitude Not filtered
Latitude Not filtered
Cycle Not filtered
Is Single Site Location Not filtered
KI Has List Not filtered
KIs Info Matching Not filtered
KIs Info Match Observation Not filtered
Num Ret Fam Not filtered
Anbar Not filtered
Babylon Not filtered
Baghdad Not filtered
Basrah Not filtered
Dahuk Not filtered
Diyala Not filtered
Erbil Not filtered
Kerbala Not filtered
Kirkuk Not filtered
Missan Not filtered
Muthanna Not filtered
Najaf Not filtered
Ninewa Not filtered
Qadissiya Not filtered
Salah_al_Din Not filtered
Sulaymaniyah Not filtered
Thi_Qar Not filtered
Wassit Not filtered
Camp Not filtered
Habitual_residence Not filtered
Host_Families Not filtered
Hotel_Motel Not filtered
Informal_random_irregular_settlements_or_collective_shelters Not filtered
Occupied_private_residence Not filtered
Other Not filtered
Religious_Building Not filtered
Rented_housing Not filtered
School_Building Not filtered
Unfinished_Abandoned_building Not filtered
Unknown Not filtered
Wave1Pre Jun14 Not filtered
Wave2Jun Jul14 Not filtered
Wave3Aug14 Not filtered
Wave4Sep14Mar15 Not filtered
Wave5Post Apr15 Not filtered
Able To Return ID Not filtered
Reason Not Able Return1 Not filtered
Reason Not Able Return2 Not filtered
Reason Not Able Return3 Not filtered
Access Rehab ID Not filtered
Electricity Not filtered
Water Not filtered
Sewerage Not filtered
Telecom Not filtered
Roads Not filtered
Bridges Not filtered
School Not filtered
Youth Center Not filtered
Hospital Not filtered
Police Station Not filtered
Fire Station Not filtered
Worship Place Not filtered
Market Not filtered
Public Recreation Not filtered
Arable Land Not filtered
Grazing Land Not filtered
destroyedrate ID Not filtered
most Affected UXO1 Not filtered
most Affected UXO2 Not filtered
most Affected UXO3 Not filtered
most Affected UX Otext Not filtered
Multi Displaced Not filtered
Majority Return Period Not filtered
Return Reason1 Not filtered
Return Reason2 Not filtered
Return Reason3 Not filtered
Return Reason Text Not filtered
Returnvoluntarily Not filtered
Return Type ID Not filtered
Return Status ID Not filtered
Leftbehind_Women Not filtered
Leftbehind_Girls Not filtered
Leftbehind_Men Not filtered
Leftbehind_Boys Not filtered
Leftbehind_Others Not filtered
Leftbehind Text Not filtered
Leftbehindreason1 Not filtered
Leftbehindreason2 Not filtered
Leftbehindreason3 Not filtered
Leftbehindreason Text Not filtered
Intention ID Not filtered
Intention Text Not filtered
Consideration1 Not filtered
Consideration2 Not filtered
Consideration3 Not filtered
Consideration Text Not filtered
Minor HHfemale Not filtered
Minor HHmale Not filtered
Disabled Person Female Not filtered
Disabled Person Male Not filtered
Female HH Not filtered
Unaccompanied Elder Female Not filtered
Unaccompanied Elder Male Not filtered
Needs1 Not filtered
Needs2 Not filtered
Needs3 Not filtered
Drinking Water Not filtered
Cooking Washing Water Not filtered
Food Not filtered
Shelter Housing Not filtered
Sanitation Hygiene Not filtered
Health Not filtered
Household NFI Not filtered
Education Not filtered
Access Income Not filtered
Legal Help Not filtered
Psychosocial Support Not filtered
Access Income Rate Not filtered
Main Protection Issue1 Not filtered
Main Protection Issue2 Not filtered
Main Protection Issue3 Not filtered
Main Child Protection Issue1 Not filtered
Main Child Protection Issue2 Not filtered
Main Child Protection Issue3 Not filtered
Feel Safe Not filtered
Security Incident1 Not filtered
Security Incident2 Not filtered
Security Incident3 Not filtered
Security Incident Text Not filtered
Discrimination1 Not filtered
Discrimination2 Not filtered
Discrimination3 Not filtered
Discrimination Text Not filtered
Security Report1 Not filtered
Security Report2 Not filtered
Security Report3 Not filtered
Security Report Text Not filtered
Clearing Area1 Not filtered
Clearing Area2 Not filtered
Clearing Area3 Not filtered
Have Training Not filtered
Info Return Source Not filtered
Info Difficult1 Not filtered
Info Difficult2 Not filtered
Info Difficult3 Not filtered
F0005 Not filtered
F0612 Not filtered
F1317 Not filtered
F1845 Not filtered
F4659 Not filtered
F60 Not filtered
M0005 Not filtered
M0612 Not filtered
M1317 Not filtered
M1845 Not filtered
M4659 Not filtered
M60 Not filtered
No data to display
 Locations: 0 Families: 0                                                                                                                                                                

Identification of Protection Concerns for the Returnees in Iraq

In keeping with humanitarian principles, Sphere standards, the centrality of protection, and the Inter-Agency Standing Committee (IASC) Gender-Based Violence (GBV) Guidelines and the Minimum Standards for Child Protection, IOM is committed to ensuring that the particular needs of all migrant women, girls, men and boys, are identified and addressed by mainstreaming GBV prevention and risk mitigation measures.

As stated in these instruments, protection of all persons affected and at risk must inform humanitarian decision-making and response, which entails identifying risks, and how and why these risks affect displaced populations, at the very outset of a crisis and thereafter, taking into account the specific vulnerabilities that underlie these risks, including those experienced by men, women, girls and boys.

As part of a global initiative supported by several donors, IOM has enhanced the type of data collected by the DTM to include protection indicators in order to provide a more holistic picture of displacement and its consequences on the affected population. DTM Iraq, with support from SIDA and PRM, has engaged with protection actors to redesign data collection tools to include specific indicators informing GBV and protection risks, in particular, in relation to site layout and infrastructure, security, priority legal needs, protection issues, child protection concerns, women’s knowledge about the availability of GBV services in camps and camp-like settings and their active participation in the provision of such services.

By incorporating these indicators, the DTM tools allow for the identification of protection issues, thereby ensuring that humanitarian actors are well informed of the vulnerabilities and most pressing protection needs of the displaced populations in Iraq.

Data from the Returnee Location Assessment that is not sensitive can be found on the general page. This portal page is specifically for actors within the Protection Cluster, and the GBV and Child Protection Sub-Clusters with whom data sharing Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) have been established. Due to the sensitivity of the information (e.g. child protection needs, early marriage indication, and counter-trafficking indicators for Returnees), its circulation is specific for a set of actors. It should be noted, however, that despite the information being sensitive, the DTM Iraq does not identifying individual information. As this data is collected at the location level, it only serves as a flagging mechanism for protection actors to follow up with more detailed assessments to further validate and better specify the scope and dynamics of the protection concerns identified.

To request access to these datasets, please

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Information currently published online refers to assessment conducted from 25 March to 10 May, 2016

  • To download the latest Returnee Location Assessment questionnaire, please click here.
  • To download the Returnee Location Assessment report, please click here.
  • To download the Returnee Location Assessment dashboard, please click here.