The Integrated Location Assessment (ILA) – Round IV completed from1 May to 30 June 2019, provides an in-depth look into both displacement and return movements in Iraq, putting a special focus on profiling the locations these groups live in and the social dynamics they are immersed in. This includes the demographics of the displaced and returnee populations, their current conditions, movement intentions, vulnerabilities, sectorial needs and the state of social cohesion in the locations they currently live in.

To download the Integrated Location Assessment dataset, please click here.
To download the Integrated Location Assessment questionnaire, please click here.

The Integrated Location Assessment collects detailed information on IDP and returnee families living in locations out of camps identified through the DTM Master Lists Round 109  (April 2019). The unit of reference of this assessment is the location, and information is collected at aggregate level, on the majority of IDPs and returnees living in a given location, and not on individual families. Where access is possible, identified locations hosting IDPs and/or returnees are visited and directly assessed by the IOM Rapid Assessment and Response Teams (RARTs), who fill in a close-ended questionnaire with information collected through multiple interviews with several key informants (including members of the IDP and returnee communities) and through direct observation. At the end of the key informant interviews, RARTs fill one form with the summary of the information collected, and the data is then uploaded to the server and stored as one assessment.

The Integrated Location Assessment IV covered 3,645 locations hosting at least five or more IDP and/or returnee families, reaching 712,022 returnee families in 1,624 locations, and 171,699 IDP families in 2,394 locations.

Geographic reference
The geographic unit of reference in the Integrated Location Assessment is the “location”. A location is defined as an area that corresponds either to a sub-district (i.e. fourth official administrative division), a village for rural areas or a neighbourhood for urban areas (i.e. fifth official administrative division).
Location boundaries are determined on the basis of key informants and RART team knowledge and evaluation. The list of locations is, as much as possible, harmonized and verified with authorities and the humanitarian community. However, an official or countrywide accepted list of locations and their boundaries has not yet been endorsed.

The Integrated Location Assessment – Round IV completed from 1 May to 30 June 2019, provides an in-depth look into both displacement and return movements in Iraq, putting a special focus on profiling the locations these groups live in and the social dynamics they are immersed in. This includes the demographics of the displaced and returnee populations, their current conditions, movement intentions, vulnerabilities, sectorial needs and the state of social cohesion in the locations they currently live in.

The Integrated Location Assessment collects detailed information on IDP and returnee families living in locations out of camps identified through the DTM Master Lists Round 109  (April 2019). The unit of reference of this assessment is the location, and information is collected at aggregate level, on the majority of IDPs and returnees living in a given location, and not on individual families. Where access is possible, identified locations hosting IDPs and/or returnees are visited and directly assessed by the IOM Rapid Assessment and Response Teams (RARTs), who fill in a close-ended questionnaire with information collected through multiple interviews with several key informants (including members of the IDP and returnee communities) and through direct observation. At the end of the key informant interviews, RARTs fill one form with the summary of the information collected, and the data is then uploaded to the server and stored as one assessment.

The Integrated Location Assessment IV covered 3,645 locations hosting at least five or more IDP and/or returnee families, reaching 712,022 returnee families in 1,624 locations, and 171,699 IDP families in 2,394 locations.

Geographic reference
The geographic unit of reference in the Integrated Location Assessment is the “location”. A location is defined as an area that corresponds either to a sub-district (i.e. fourth official administrative division), a village for rural areas or a neighbourhood for urban areas (i.e. fifth official administrative division).
Location boundaries are determined on the basis of key informants and RART team knowledge and evaluation. The list of locations is, as much as possible, harmonized and verified with authorities and the humanitarian community. However, an official or countrywide accepted list of locations and their boundaries has not yet been endorsed.

Information published online refers to assessment conducted from 01 May to 30 June, 2019

  • To download the Integrated Location Assessment IV  English report, please click here
  • To download the Integrated Location Assessment IV dataset, please click here.
  • To download the Integrated Location Assessment IV questionnaire, please click here.